It's critical to comprehend the specifics of flower girls. Ultimately, this will assist you in selecting your flower girl, the type and color of clothing they should wear, and much more. Since flower girls are often the youngest bridal party members, they are a cute touch to any wedding but are unnecessary in a conventional wedding. Flower girl dress originated in the ancient Greek and Roman customs of young girls bringing plants as a symbol of hope to a couple being married. A flower girl is typically the offspring of a close friend or relative, such as a niece or cousin. The number of flower girls you can have at your wedding party is unlimited. If you decide to have more than one, many brides will give them separate responsibilities so they can all participate, like holding your train when you go down the aisle, taking a pet with you, or scattering petals. Given that flower girls might range from 3 to 8 years old, roles may need to be selected based on the girls' personalities and skill sets. Traditionally, the flower girl wears a gown akin to the bride's rather than one comparable to the bridesmaids'. You are free to select since many brides choose to coordinate the flower girls with the wedding party. You have many options for toddler flower girl dresses, whether you want to match the design, go for a bold look, or go with a color.
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